Wednesday, July 25, 2012

34,000 Feet

Well, we made it safe and sound..... tomorrow we visit the worksite but tonight we rest. I wrote the following while en route. I do hope you enjoy it! ________________________ As I write this we are cruising at 34000 just off the coast of Florida between Charlotte and Miami. I always find flying a fascinating experience, especially when I have a window seat and the skies are clear, as they are now. I also typically find flying a time of introspection and consideration. Looking out the window literally gives you a bird's eye view of life, but without the actual "life." You can see the towns and cities, the rivers and lakes and the very tiny cars traveling from one place to another. But, there is nothing personal involved as I look down, and I suspect as anyone down there looks up and catches a glimpse of this aircraft. Its like looking at a painting or a map, and no personal involvement is required. I fear many of us go through our actual lives this same way, particularly as we look around us at the people we don't know. Logically I know that most folks I encounter day to day have issues in their lives that are causing them pain, or at least frustration. I also know, spiritually, that many of them do not know Christ and have never felt the unmistakable touch of HIs healing in their lives. I have felt that touch, and am grateful for it, but I go through life way too often without sharing that knowledge with those who need it. My last blog entry touched on this somewhat, and I continue to think about the implications of this trip on us when we return home. I suspect its early for that, since we haven't even gotten to Colombia yet, but it seems to be where my mind and spirit keep returning. What does this trip mean for me long-term? What does it mean for the folks we will encounter and for my team-mates? What does God want to teach us, show us and work in us? How does He want this to change our lives in the long-run? I don't know the answers yet, and may not get them all in the next 2 weeks, but I do commit to paying attention, listening closely and looking for some clarity. I do believe, however, that clarity is something that comes only as a byproduct of action so I will keep "doing" and watch along the way. Once Jesus started His ministry, He committed to forward movement and to encountering diverse people. He grew his "team" and together they experienced the joys and occasional frustrations of ministry. The Cali team is already on the move, and I have no doubt that He will grow this team. I also know, based on experience, that we will have both joys and frustrations over the next 2 weeks but I have no doubt that our Leader will be with us step by step. Thank you for your prayers and stay tuned!