Friday, July 6, 2012

View of the Old

Countdown to Cali Part 2: July 6, 2012


I moved offices today to make room for some additional staff that has joined my team at Newberry College. This move provides frontline office space for folks who work with our students day in and day out. It also moves me a little out of the way since I am now one of those people who spends most of her time in meetings elsewhere on campus, making decisions that impact those incredibly important frontline people. Alas, I no longer see students on a daily basis so it was best that I move and make room for those who do.


I did not move far, literally around the corner and no more than 20 steps away. Not a major move, at least in terms of distance, but still a substantial move in one respect. Although I may not have physically moved far, I do believe I traveled back in time.


You see, I was located in the newly renovated, bright and shiny "Learning Commons" where students use computers and tablets, meet together in small groups for project work, and everything is white and clean and new. Things hustle and bustle in the Learning Commons, mimicking our society's incessant sense of urgency.


Now, I am located on the other side of the building where actual books are still located in what we used to call the "stacks." Now, when I look out my office door I see books, very old books and there is nowhere to "power up" anything. I can smell the books and see them lined up neatly on the shelves, and that makes me smile.


I am always one for progress and new shiny technology. Anyone who know me will attest to that fact. As a matter of fact I am typing this blog on my ipad which is connected via bluetooth to my wireless keyboard. But what I really love is when the two, the old and the new, marry and create something completely original and beautiful. The Newberry College libary is such a creation.


While this is not a commercial for Newberry College, at least not an intentional one, it does help me make my point, at least I hope so. Let's see if this makes sense...


I suspect our upcoming trip to Cali will be a similar mix of old and new. The team itself is made up of youngsters, the youngest being 19 years old, along with more "seasoned" folks who have seen 80 come and go. The rest of us fall somewhere in between. We come from different backgrounds and will, no doubt, each bring a unique perspective to the work we are being called to do. The differing styles, experiences and expectations are likely to be as interesting as I currently find our library to be.


I also expect that the "American" way of doing things, which may be the newest and most efficient, at least in our eyes, is likely to be at odds with the traditional Colombian methods. I have seen this before, and I know that when those differences are put in the hands of God by folks with genuine servant hearts, a beautiful, new thing is created.  


I am quite excited to see what "creation" God has in store for us in the hills outside of Cali. I am thrilled to meet new friends, who may not understand a word I say. I am humbled by the opportunity to learn from them, while understanding very little Spanish. And, I am excited to see what God is up to in us, through us and around us.

I pray that we will not get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our intended progress that we miss the beauty around us. I pray that we will listen more than talk and love more than "do."


