Wednesday, August 8, 2012



When I first started writing today's blog, it was going to be factual, with an outline of what we have accomplished and how we have been spending our time. After typing the first paragraph, I reconsidered and deleted the details. In reality, that doesn't matter.  Yes, we have accomplished some great things. We did build an attractive and functional back wall for the sanctuary and made some other esthetic and functional improvements as planned, but, in the end, that is not what matters.

What I now know matters, really matters, is the unity of believers and the building of relationships based on the love of Christ. This is true of the team in and of itself, but even more so between the worshipers of Cali and our team. The strong connecting bond created by a common belief is strong, but the connecting bond created by the cross of Jesus is the ultimate in strength and unity.

Leaving the work site tomorrow for the final time will be extremely difficult for me. I feel at home here and I know I have been right where God has wanted me to be. He has taught me much in the past 2 weeks, about myself, about what matters and about how He would have me live my life.

In my first blog I wrote about the strong call I felt to come on this particular trip. I felt that I was being beckoned by God himself to "come away" with Him. He has indeed met me here and, when I return home, I must adjust my life so that I can be open to His leading day by day, minute by minute. I suspect that will be difficult, but I sincerely pray that I won’t lose grasp of this all important lesson.

Below I have pasted some pictures from yesterdays' worship service which was held in the the Mountain church. We returned to work today and made a mess again, but you will see how beautifully they cleaned up the site for the service. Enjoy!

The alter the parishioners erected in the middle of the construction site.

Tony and Pastor Dori serving communion.

Music for the service.

Tony preaching in front of the Wall.

Tony and I singing at the service with the Wall as the backdrop.

Banners on the Wall.

Me with one of the ladies in the community./